
Cryotherapy or freezing is an effective and almost painless method of removing benign lesions located within the cervix and does not require anesthesia or special preparation for the procedure. In addition to the cervix, cryotherapy is also used in the area of the vulva and vagina - but this applies to single, small changes. In these cases, it requires anesthesia.


Gynecological consultation indicating the need for surgery.
It is important to perform a Pap smear and colposcopy. The procedure is best performed in the first phase of the cycle, immediately after menstruation (the body then has enough time to heal).


With the help of low temperature, minus 192 degrees Celsius, pathologically changed cells (erosions) are destroyed. Freezing with liquid nitrogen does not damage the structure of the cervix, vagina or vulva and thus does not cause disturbances in reproductive functions. However, it does not allow for the collection of material for histopathological examination. When determining the indications for surgery, the gynecologist takes this into account and excludes the suspicion of a neoplastic lesion. After talking to the patient, the doctor also takes into account her plans for motherhood.


After the procedure, profuse, watery discharge may persist for about 2 weeks. Also, from a few to several days after the procedure, the patient may experience pain discomfort, a feeling of warming up the place after the procedure, as well as redness. For at least 3 weeks after the procedure, the patient should refrain from sexual contact. This time may be extended depending on the regenerative capacity of the body. The patient should pay special attention to intimate hygiene during the healing period, and a follow-up visit is recommended about 4 weeks after the procedure.

    • ORSMED
      Przemysław Gliszczyński, Agnieszka Gemba spółka jawna
      ul.Przemysłowa 3,
      89-600 Chojnice
Opening hours
    • Mon - Fri: 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM
    • Sat: 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM